FSW Classified Ads

classified ads image

Below are items currently for sale by members.  To post an ad, scroll down to the “Post an Ad” section.  


FSW reserves the right to edit, categorize, revise, or decline any classified advertisement.

  • This online classified service is offered free of charge to FSW members.

  • Each member is responsible for the content and accuracy of their ads.

  • We reserve the right to refuse any ad we feel is not appropriate.

  • We will not be held liable for damages of any kind relating to any item listed here.

  • We reserve the right to terminate any ad at any time for any reason.



Current Items for Sale

Post an Ad

Fill in the form below with information on the item you have for sale.  

  1. Be sure to list your name and contact info. (Phone is optional)
  2. Create an account to manage your ads. (Optional)
  3. Give the listing a meaningful Title.
  4. Select the appropriate Category from the dropdown menu.
  5. Upload photo(s) in the “Gallery” section.  
  6. Provide a detailed description in the “Description” field.  One external link (URL) is allowed, but not required.  (For example, if you’re selling a piece of equipment, you could include a link to the item on the manufacturer’s or a vendor’s website so prospective buyers could see the equipment’s specs, photos, etc.)
  7. List your desired price. (If the item is free, enter $1.)
  8. In the “Location” field – for security reasons – only list your city & state.  You can give more details to prospective buyers via phone or email.  
  9. If you’d like to post a “Wanted” ad – i.e., you’re looking for a particular item – in the Title, put “WANTED:  item description…
  10. Ads expire in 30 days. 
Contact Information
Item Information