First State Woodturners was at the Delaware State Fair again this year, demonstrating and turning tops for the kids. We had an amazing response from fair attendees, with parents and kids lining up both days for their custom-turned tops.
Many thanks to our FSW Team who manned the lathes, handed out tops, and recruited new members! Tom & Marge Sloan, Jim Whattam, Steve Childers, Mike Adams, Pat Wisniewski, Eric Krum, and Joe Nestlerode all gave graciously of their time to make the event a success.
We also had an impressive display of over 90 turned items in the Dover (Arts & Crafts) Building during the Fair. Thanks to everyone who loaned their pieces for the display! (see list of contributors, below)
And we had an impressive showing in the Ribbon department, with 15 FSW members winning Ribbons in various judging categories. Check out the list and photos of Ribbon winners below.
The DE State Fair increased the number of categories this year in response to the chapters request. We need to have more entries in each category next year so that the State Fair keeps this number of categories available for judging. Besides it is fun to be able to beat some of the more experienced turners as was shown this year when I was repeatedly beat.