Newsletter Archive

Our monthly Newsletters offer a recap of the month’s activities, and give a preview of upcoming topics and events. They often include links to valuable resources that you can download for free.

May 2024

Read the May Newsletter here.

April 2024

Read the April Newsletter here.

March 2024

Read the March Newsletter here.

February 2024

Read the February Newsletter here.

January 2024

Read the January Newsletter here.

December 2023  

Read the December Newsletter here.

November 2023  

Read the November Newsletter here.

October 2023  

Read the October Newsletter here.

September 2023  

Read the September Newsletter here.

August 2023  

Read the August Newsletter here.

July 2023  

Read the July Newsletter here.

June 2023  

Read the June Newsletter here.

May 2023  

Read the May Newsletter here.

April 2023  

Read the April Newsletter here.

March 2023  

Read the March Newsletter here.

February 2023  

Read the February Newsletter here.

January 2023  

Read the January Newsletter here.

December 2022

Our last Newsletter of 2022 offered a recap of our December Holiday Luncheon, including a link to view photos from the Show & Tell.  We also looked forward to 2023 with information on our upcoming January meeting.  Read the December Newsletter here.

October 2022

The headliner for our October Newsletter was the upcoming November demo by Elizabeth Weber.  There was also a recap of our October meeting, including a link to view new videos by Scott Wishart and Joe Nestlerode on popular hollowing rigs on the market today.  Read the October Newsletter here.

September 2022

The September Newsletter announced the upcoming October meeting, which was the 3rd and final in our series on hollow forms.  There was a recap and link to view Scott Wishart’s excellent “Basic Hollowing” video on our YouTube Channel, a link to Gary Guenther’s presentation on the clever “outrigger” hollowing tools he uses, and a link to an article in the Cape Gazette on Jim Whattam’s lighthouse replicas.  Also, there was a Powermatic lathe, a Stihl chainsaw, and other turning tools and equipment available for sale.  Read the Newsletter and check out those links here. (Note:  there is a typo in the banner at the top of the Newsletter – it says “October” but should say “September”.)

August 2022

Our August Newsletter set the stage for our September meeting – the second in our series of three meetings on hollow forms. There was info on the “Basic Hollowing” demo by Scott Wishart, which will be the main event for September. There is also a recap of our August 3rd meeting, including a link to watch Tom Sloan’s “Hollowing without Hollowing Tools” video on our YouTube Channel. Read the Newsletter here.

July 2022

The headliner for July was the kick-off of our three-meeting series on hollow forms. Our August, September, and October meetings will all focus on hollow forms. For August, Tom Sloan will be giving a demonstration on “Hollowing without Hollowing Tools”. We also announced the winner of our new Chapter logo contest, had a write-up on our presence at the Delaware State Fair, and a recap of our July “Sensational Skew” demo by Jim Etcher. The Newsletter includes links to download articles on the skew and related content by Jim. You can read the Newsletter and check out those free articles here.

June 2022

Our June Newsletter told us all about the upcoming “Sensational Skew” demo by Jim Echter that was scheduled for the July meeting. We also presented the five finalists for our new logo contest, and invited members to vote on their favorite. A recap of the June meeting included a link to Steve Childers’ excellent “Spindle Turning Basics” video on our YouTube Channel. Read the Newsletter and check out that video here.

May 2022

The headliner for the May 2022 Newsletter was Steve Childers’ upcoming “Spindle Turning Basics” demo/video for the June meeting. There was also info and photos from this year’s recently completed woodturning classes at Mount Pleasant High School. A recap of our May meeting, plugs for the upcoming Mid-Atlantic Woodturning Symposium and the Delaware State Fair, and a notice of a Jet lathe and other tools for sale were also featured. You can read it here.

April 2022

The April Newsletter provided updates and info on our hybrid May meeting, in which we planned to meet in person as well as stream the meeting live via Zoom. Read the April 2022 Newsletter here.

March 2022

Our March 2022 Newsletter gave details on the upcoming April meeting, featuring a bowl demo by Phil Rose. There was also a note from our President, Tom Sloan. And a recap of the March meeting included links to a recording of the meeting on our YouTube Channel. Read the Newsletter and check out those links here.

February 2022

In the February Newsletter, we talked about the upcoming March meeting which will feature presentations by Joe Nestlerode and Tom Sloan. There was also a plug for the “Do More 24 Delaware” fundraiser and news of our first HOW (Hands-On Workshop) of the year. Read all about it here.

January 2022

The headliner for our January Newsletter was Derek Weidman’s upcoming video / demo scheduled for the February meeting. There was also a recap of the January meeting, including a link to watch a recording of Mike Adams’ presentation / demo on making staved boxes. We also announced the 1st Quarter President’s Challenge, and a contest to design a new logo for our Chapter. Read all this and more in the January Newsletter here.

December 2021

The December Newsletter included info on the upcoming January meeting, plus a recap and photos from the December Holiday Luncheon. There was also information on the Woodturners Worldwide 2022 Syposium coming in January. Read all about it here.

October 2021

November kicked off our Fall Membership Drive for 2022. The October Newsletter has all the details on that, and also a recap of Carol Hall’s excellent demo that she gave for our September meeting. (If you missed Carol’s demo, there’s a link to the recording.) We also released the results of the recent Member Survey, and talked about the upcoming AAW “Woodturning Fundamentals Online Workshop”. All this and more in the November Newsletter here.

September 2021

The headliner for our September Newsletter was Carol Hall’s upcoming Pyrography Demo slated for the October meeting. We also talked about our presence at the annual Hearne Hardwoods Open House, and gave a recap of our September meeting – including a link to download Tom Sloan’s excellent presentation on dust collection and mitigation. There is also a link to watch the entire September meeting, which we recorded. Read the Newsletter and check out those links here.

August 2021

Our August Newsletter previewed our upcoming September meeting, which included Show & Tell, and an in-depth presentation on dust collection and mitigation by Tom Sloan. There was a recap of our August meeting demo, a pitch for our upcoming Officer elections, and more. Read all about it here.

July 2021

The lead story for our July Newsletter was the upcoming demo scheduled for the August meeting. Joanne Sauvageau was slated to give an “Embellish Your Turnings” demo. There was also a write-up and photos from our exhibit at the Delaware State Fair. And a recap of the July meeting, which featured a Show & Tell segment and presentations by members Mike Adams, Steve Childers, and Tom Sloan. The Newsletter includes a link to download a resource from Mike’s presentation. Read the Newsletter here.

June 2021

The June Newsletter included a note from our President, Tom Sloan, about the upcoming July meeting – our first in-person meeting in over a year. There was also a recap of the June meeting, which featured a “Basic Bowl” demo by Paul Hannaby. We also reported on our recently completed woodturning classes at Mount Pleasant High School, and our activities for the upcoming Delaware State Fair. Read the Newsletter here.

May 2021

For our May meeting, we had a Show & Tell segment, followed by a Shop Tips & Jigs presentation.  The entire Jigs & Shop Tips presentation can be downloaded from the Newsletter. In addition, Joe Nestlerode gave a presentation on how he put together a vacuum chucking system.  He included a detailed parts list and links to sources.  You can download Joe’s presentation, too. The May Newsletter also talked about our upcoming June demo by Paul Hannaby, FSW’s planned participation at the Delaware State Fair, and more. Read all about it and download the presentations here.

April 2021

At our April meeting, Mike Peace gave a great demo on two ways to turn a coffee scoop, direct from his workshop in Suwanee, Georgia.  Mike has published two articles on Coffee Scoops, and there are links to download them in the newsletter. There’s also news on the upcoming woodturning classes at Mount Pleasant High School. Read all about it and download Mike’s Coffee Scoop articles here.

March 2021

During our March meeting, Eric Krum gave a presentation on bottle stoppers, followed by a live demonstration on how to turn them.  We also talk about the upcoming Mike Peace coffee scoop demo for our April meeting. You can read the March Newsletter and download Eric’s presentation on bottle stoppers here.

February 2021

The headliner for February was the upcoming March meeting. We also talk about other events on the horizon, the PSI Chapter Discount Program, the Lancaster Thursday morning Coffee Hours, and more. Read the February Newsletter here.

January 2021

Theo Haralampou, from Brisbane, Australia, gave an entertaining and informative demonstration on how to turn a platter for our January meeting.  Read the January Newsletter here.

December 2020

We look ahead to our first meeting of 2021, and also a bonus January meeting with a demo by Michael Kehs. There’s also a recap of our December meeting, photos of our annual Turning Contest winning entries, and more. Read the December Newsletter here.

November 2020

The focus was on the upcoming December Holiday Meeting, but there was also a recap of the November “Colouring Wood” demo by Ed Pretty. Ed provided four (4) instructional handouts to accompany the demo. Read the Newsletter and download Ed’s handouts here.

October 2020

We kick off our Fall Membership Drive with special prize drawings, and talk about the upcoming “Colouring Wood” demo by Ed Pretty. Read all about it here.

September 2020

In September, Harvey Meyer gave an excellent demo on his Basket Weave Illusion bowls and platters. (Harvey provided us with three instructional handouts to accompany the demo, which you can download for free.) We also talk about what’s in store for October, the September Survey results, the 4th Quarter President’s Challenge, and much more. Read the Newsletter and download Harvey’s handouts here.

August 2020

For our August 5th meeting, Tom Sloan gave a presentation on using inertia sanders.  He put together an informative and detailed presentation, which you can download for free.  The August Newsletter also brought news of an exciting new collaboration between FSW and DelVal Turners of New Jersey. And we a had a big Show & Tell presentation during the meeting, and the Delaware State Fair winners were announced.  Read the Newsletter and download Tom’s presentation here.

July 2020

For our July meeting, Dennis Fuge gave a remote demo entitled “How to Say I Love You from a Lathe”.  Dennis showed and demonstrated a number of quick small projects that make great gifts. Dennis provided a demo handout that lists resources he typically uses.  You can read the Newsletter and download the demo handout here.

June 2020

For our June meeting, members gave presentations on embellishing turnings with relief carving and burning, and on making a mechanical pencil with a Pentel™ mechanism.  We also had a big Show & Tell slideshow.  Read the Newsletter and download the presentations here.

May 2020

Our May meeting was hosted by Cindy Drozda from her workshop in Boulder, Colorado. She gave a great 2+ hour demonstration on her signature Finial Box. The event generated a lot of interest, and it turned out to be our most attended meeting ever! We had people from other Chapters all across the country, and even a couple international guests join us!  You can read all about it and download Cindy’s demo handouts here.

April 2020

We held our first “virtual” Zoom meeting this month, including a big Show & Tell slideshow and two presentations on dust collection. We also revealed the results of the 1st Quarter President’s Challenge. Read all about it here.

March 2020

Woodturning in the age of Coronavirus. Our March Newsletter provides an update on what First State Woodturners is doing to adapt to the new reality. Also, a recap of the February meeting, including a link to download Tom’s presentation on sharpening. You can read it here.

February 2020

Our first Newsletter of 2020 was packed with news you can use, including information on our upcoming Mount Pleasant High School woodturning classes, recaps of the January and February meetings, details on upcoming events, and much more. You can check it out here.

December 2019

Our December 2019 Newsletter included a “Year in Review”, which highlighted our activities, demonstrations, and events from the past year. You can read it here.

October 2019

Gilded ornaments, vacuum systems and chucking, an Open House at Hearne Hardwoods, and Junior Achievement of Delaware’s Fall Fair – it was a busy month! Read about it here.

September 2019

A spinning top presentation by Eric Krum was the headliner for our September meeting. Also, Don Pivonka brought in his clever DIY coring jig for Show & Tell. Read the Newsletter here.

August 2019

Although there was no regular meeting in August, we had our annual Summer Field Trip. This year we went to Hagley. August also brought us a wood stabilization demo by Eli Polite at his shop in Greenwood, Delaware. Read more here.

July 2019

An International Symposium in Raleigh, and a State Fair in Delaware. The July Newsletter has all the details here.

June 2019

Scott Wishart gave a great presentation on casting and turning resin at the June meeting. And FSW members were recognized by the Brandywine School District for their contributions teaching high school students how to turn. Read about it here.

January 2019

We kicked off 2019 with Mike Adams demonstrating how to construct a staved bowl or box. You can read the Newsletter here.


If you haven’t already, you can subscribe to our mailing list to receive the Monthly Newsletter and updates on upcoming meetings, activities, and events.

Please see the About page for a detailed description of our Chapter and activities. See the Membership page for information on joining.

If you have a general question for us, please refer to our Contact page.