First State Woodturners will hold their annual Holiday Party this year on Sunday, December 6th, from 12 noon to 4 PM. It will be held again this year at Blue Ball Barn, just off Rt. 202, Wilmington, Delaware. This extraordinary two-story stone barn, built in 1914 by Alfred I. duPont, has been recently renovated and converted into a state-of-the-art conference facility, including galleries that house a collection of Delaware Folk Art.
See Blue Ball Barn details and directions here:
Check your email for an invitation from, and please RSVP as soon as possible! We are requesting $5 per person again this year to help cover costs. Spouses/Guests/Children welcome! (Children under 12 free) As always, a catered lunch will be provided. Activities will include:
- Catered Lunch and Beverages
- Show & Tell
- a Silent Auction: wood, tools, books, DVD’s, and more!
- a Turning Contest with four categories:
- Bowls
- Plates & Platers
- Pens & Pencils
- Miscellaneous (architectural turnings, furniture, treenware, ornaments, boxes, etc.)
If you have any questions, please email Joe at:
Hope to see you there!