April Meeting – Lidded Bowl Demo

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Our April meeting will be SATURDAY, April 6th, at 2 PM.  We are excited to have Pat Carroll demonstrating how he makes Lidded Bowls!

Pat will be demonstrating all the way from his shop in Dublin, Ireland.  Due to the time difference, we have moved the meeting to Saturday, instead of our usual Wednesday evening.  We thought this Lidded Bowl demo would be a good follow-up on our basic Log to Bowl series from January and March.

In this demonstration Pat will be discussing safety, timber selection, shape and form. Amongst other topics discussed will be harvesting the timber and timber selection for the project. The importance of sanding and finishing are key areas to this project.

Please join us this Saturday, April 6th, to welcome Pat and learn how he designs, turns, and finishes his lidded bowls!  Check out Pat’s website for more photos of his work…

Note:  The Demo + 2 Raffle Tickets Bundle option is only available for FSW or DelVal Members.